In this post I am going to address the very serious problem in British Nationalism of defeatism. That feeling that 'there's nothing that can be done' because 'things are too far gone'. This is probably the biggest argument against Nationalism that I've heard both from people who are against it but also our own supposed supporters. True there are many, many problems in Britain today, seeing our country in the state that it is in is heartbreaking for any true nationalist, but there is still hope. As long as there are white British alive in Britain there is still hope. Although more immigrants flood in day after day we still make the majority. We still have the power, if everyone wanted it to put a true Nationalist government into power. Impossible you may say, it will never happen. Well maybe not in present circumstances, but what if the economic situation deteroriates further? Although we are in a recession, most people can still afford to feed themselves and sit on the internet and watch Sky with a few beers. Once these luxuries start going then you will see people increasingly protesting and becoming more militant.
The other factor that may eventually work in our favour are the riots. The British police recently said that they would not be able to deal as well with riots when they happen again, and they believe they will happen again. Most people could see that the majority of the protesters in the riots were black and the riots were started by blacks with the wiggers that David Starkey talked about joining in along with some Asians and other assorted samples of our diversely criminal society. I have observed and I'm sure many of you have as well that many white British are really noticing this and also noticing the huge discrepancy between the way they happened and the way the BBC and other liberal press reported on them, always choosing the photo of the one white looter etc. and the reporter who even tried to tell a victim of the violence that surely they couldn't ALL have been black even when he clearly told her they were numerous times. It's almost as if their brainwashing is so strong that when they see and hear of events like this that contradict it they believe that it MUST be a lie, because that's not the way they were taught at university by their liberal professors and by Auntie BBC and hug a hoodie Cameron that the world works.
It's a well known fact that Nationalist success generally correlates with economic downturns. The Golden Dawn are having a lot of success in Greece at the minute, causing much liberal hand wringing across Europe. Once we go down the same path as Greece, which I believe is inevitable given our current course, unless it is drastically changed very soon, which is highly unlikely, we will see the same resurgence. This is not to say that in the meantime we should just twiddling our thumbs while waiting for this economic collapse. There are many positive things that we as Nationalists can do in the meantime, such as making use of the internet to spread the message, via Blogs, youtube videos and comments, debating on forums, creating graphics and generally just sticking up for Nationalist and racial politics wherever possible.
As the old cliche goes 'it's always darkest before the dawn'. Certainly it's more dark than ever at the minute but their is still hope and the dawn may just be around the corner. Although the BNP seems down and out for the minute there may be a resurgence of their fortunes, maybe under new leadership. Otherwise another Nationalist party will come and take their place, they always do, because we will not lie down and surrender our country to foreigners and once there is any sort of Nationalist power in this country then many recent immigrants will probably leave because their ties to the country are mainly economic and once the welfare teat is removed from their greedy suckling mouths then they will scuttle off looking for the next easy option. After that policies can be put in place to restore Britain to a white country once again, although it may take years and will no doubt cause much upheaval and violence in the long run it can be done.
In the mean time nay sayers and doom mongers both from this country but especially from other countries on various white Nationalist forums do nothing but lower morale and harm the cause. All white countries are in a bad way and infighting and squabbling over 'who is in the worst mess' does nothing but cause animosity and demoralisation amongst our people. Now is a time to unite as white people the world over and support each other in our goals of taking back our ancestral homelands and restoring Europe to the White Continent that it always has been and will be again!
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